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W Direct Color

W Direct Color

Color treatment which can make my own recipes quickly without damage with 4 different colors

Volume : 120g

Main ingredients : Milk protein, Cocoon extract, Hydrolyzed Keratin & Collagen, Soy protein & rice protein

Used for : Healthy, damaged, dyed hair

This product is for professional use and we do not sell to the general customer.


1. Whatever color you want! Professional color! My own color recipe with various color combinations


2. It is possible to produce color by leaving only 10 minutes by coloring of the particulate dye


3. . It can express vivid color by repairing the damaged hair with 20 kinds of amino acid & 11 kinds of protein ingredients

4. You can express pastel tone color with Treatment Mix

Color chart


How to use

Usage for damaged hair

Step1. Diagnosis of hair and color selectionr


Step2. Towel dry after shampooing


Step3. Evenly apply W direct color to the hair while being careful not to put the direct color on the scalp


Step4. Leave naturally for 5~10mins 


Step5. Rinse off and finish

Usage for colored hair

Step1. Diagnosis of hair and color selectionr


Step2. Towel dry after shampooing


Step3. Evenly apply W direct color to the hair while being careful not to put the direct color on the scalp


Step4. Leave naturally for 5~10mins 


Step5. Rinse off and finish